2009年9月2日 星期三

最近的心得 (給一個姐妹的回信)

最近給一位姐妹回了一封信, 信裡提到我剛回到澳洲時的一些情況,

卻有幾次在覺得"自己有需要"的時候, 變得張牙舞爪, 拼命爭取自己需要的東西.
當我醒悟過來的時候, 覺得自己仍然沒有什麼基督徒的樣子!!

前一陣子容易頭暈, 有時不太能久站, 而我們又沒有車子, 出門常要搭乘電車火車. 人多的時候就沒有位置坐.

所以, 剛從台灣回澳洲的這2個星期, 每次要上下火車/電車, 我就會急著想比別人先上車. 也很少顧及旁邊是誰.
昨天, 我也是急著想上車搶位子, 突然發覺一位原先在旁邊和我差不多速度的人, 有點粗魯的搶在我前頭.
我仔細一看, 是一位老先生,

我想, 他一定覺得我是一個很不懂得禮讓的年輕人吧.

而我, 因為滿腦子想的都是自己的需要, 也根本無心去顧及別人有沒有需要

沒想到, 我最近蒙了神這麼多恩典, 卻仍在心態上對別人這麼沒有恩典.

所以, 不管我們是在順境還是不順, 要想靠自己的力量, 展現出基督的樣子, 是不可能的

我禱告, 求神賜給我足夠的安全感, 讓我能夠相信祂會供應我所需要的, 我不需要用世人的方法去搶奪;爭取,
只將我的需要, 在禱告中交托給主.

不管神供應的方式是留一個位置給我, 還是給我足夠的體力能站著,
或者是給我一個小空間, 讓我能在頭暈的時候蹲下來.....

2 則留言:

linda 提到...


it is so true and touching....indeed many times I tried to use my limited wisdom (or unlimited foolishness to be more appropriate) to try and grab things that might not be in God's will without even knowing....

the funniest thing is I even thought I have all the reasons to justify for myself and forgot that all our needs God has seen it and has already provided :)

take good care Suzanna, you are a great sister in Christ, encouraging and comforting the bodies in Christ :)


Suzanna (小喵) 提到...

Hey Linda,

It is nice to share lessons we have learned from God with each other.
Every incident can reveal our real selves.

May God help us overcome our fear and worries.

How is everything going? Still running back and forth between places? (I guess I wouldn't even survive for one day being a doctor. :P)

Hope to see you soon in the Church. :)